One product for many purposes
For hand washing dishes, cleaning the counter, stove, microwave, oven, soaking fruits and vegetables, hand wash, soaking cooked-on messes - you name it, you can use KD Gold by Natural Soap Formulas.
IMHO, it's the best cleaner on the planet, period. Fortunately, it also happens to be completely safe -- humanly and environmentally.
Natural scrub
Where you would have used kitchen cleanser, use Baking Soda (bicarbonate of soda - Arm & Hammer). It's inexpensive and effective. Deodorizes, too: use baking soda and water to clean the inside of the refrigerator. | |
Remember the terms used to signify that you could get poisoned and it all just depended on how much you had to ingest (DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION)?
There is NO WARNING LABEL on this product. Even accidental ingestion of the product is not deemed toxic, making it safe around kids and the elderly and especially safe to wash your fruits and vegetables. (Read about the dangers of using and storing household chemicals.)
You can now get rid of that menagerie of smelly cleaners under the sink. Use just one cleaner for everything in your kitchen, except, maybe...
DISHWASHER: I've heard tell of people having great results with KD Gold in the dishwasher, but it just doesn't work with my water. So, I've found a great nontoxic powdered dishwasher detergent. I put KD Gold in the open cup and a tablespoon of OXY-DISH Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, a non-toxic product from Natural Choices Home Safe Products, in the closed cup, with great results. There's no smell during the wash cycle. The dishes come out sparkling with no residue or chemical taste. And it's environmentally friendly with no phosphates or chlorine.
(By the way, chlorine bleach in your dishwasher soap is the reason you can't put dishes with tomato or milk on them in without rinsing first. The combination of the chlorine and tomato or milk make a poisonous gas. DON'T USE CHLORINE BLEACH - especially on your dishes.)  | KD Gold Can you tell I like it? |
WOODWORK: My sometimes dry and water-stained wooden cabinets get a great face lift given a washing with KD Gold and an application of beeswax and lemon oil polish . The soap takes off the grime and opens up the wood to be able to absorb the oil and wax, nourishing it, bringing out the grain and hiding imperfections.
INSECTS: Pesky ants are no match for KD Gold. Spray visible insects with KD Gold, clean the counter with KD Gold and then spray KD Gold into the cracks and seams. Do not leave out any food or crumbs. Clean up messes immediately. Within a few days, your ant problem will be gone.
Other Natural Cleaning Tips:
Baking soda: An all-purpose cleaner. Especially effective on glass coffee pots and glassware, baking soda also removes red-wine stains from carpeting. A paste (made with water) can shine stainless steel and silver and can remove tea stains from cups and saucers. Make a paste by mixing baking soda with a Castile or vegetable-based liquid soap and a drop of essential oil (tea tree or lavender) to clean sinks, countertops, toilets and tubs. To clear a clogged drain, pour 1 cup down the sink followed by 3 cups of boiling water.
Boiling water: Use weekly to flush drains and avoid clogs.
Coarse salt: Cleans copper pans and scours cookware. Sprinkle salt on fresh spills in the oven, then wipe off. Sprinkle salt on rust stains and squeeze a lime or lemon over them, let sit for several hours and wipe off.
Essential oils: Mix lavender or tea tree essential oils with water and spray on kitchen or bathroom surfaces for an environmentally and people-friendly antibacterial spray.
Grapefruit-seed extract: Add a few drops to water in a spray bottle for an odorless way to kill mold and mildew.
Lemon juice: Use as a bleaching agent on clothing, and to remove grease from your stove and countertops.
Olive oil: Use to lubricate and polish wood furniture (three parts olive oil to one part vinegar; or two parts olive oil with one part lemon juice). As an alternative, you can use linseed oil.
Potatoes: Halved potatoes can remove rust from baking pans or tinware - follow with a salt scrub or dip the potato in salt before scrubbing.
Tea tree oil: Can be added to vinegar/water solutions for its antibacterial properties. Use it to kill mold and mildew, and on kitchen and bathroom surfaces instead of chemical products. Add 50 drops to a bucket of water to clean countertops and tile floors. You can combine it with vinegar.
Toothpaste (white, plain): Cleans silver; can remove water stains on wood furniture - dab on, allow it to dry and wipe off.
White vinegar: IF you can stand the smell, you can use vinegar to clean linoleum floors and glass (from windows to shower doors) when mixed with water and a little KD Gold. White vinegar cuts grease, removes stains, removes soap scum and cleans toilets (add a bit of baking soda if you like and a drop of your favorite essential oil). Pour down drains once a week for antibacterial cleaning. Add to water in a spray bottle to kill mold and mildew.